
Şirket haberleri ve sektörden haberler

Daha fazla oku Unnamed Road, 44580 Bourgneuf-en-Retz, France, Bourgneuf-en-Retz - by @thomasreaubourg
25 Ekim 2019 Enerji Tasarrufu

Dijitalleşme Rüzgar Enerjisinde Verimliliği ve Karar Vermeyi Destekler

This is the key finding of the report Digitalisation and the Future of the Wind Energy Industry published yesterday by DNV GL, a global quality assurance and risk management company operating in more than 100 countries. Based on a survey of almost 2,...

Daha fazla oku Hands shaking comic style vector - image by © rawpixel
25 Ekim 2019 Şirket Haberleri

İmza Töreni: Yenileme işi

On April 24, 2019, at NSN Construction & Engineering Joint Stock Company’s Office, there was a Signing Ceremony between NSN Company and the owner- Asahi Intecc Hanoi Co, Ltd. for upgrading Asahi Intecc Hanoi Auxiliary Factory.At the ceremony,...

Daha fazla oku Image by @austindistel - https://www.distel.co/
25 Ekim 2019 İnsan Hikayeleri

Şehir planlaması: işe geri dönme zamanı

Yves Raibaud, a lecturer at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, constantly returns to the debate surrounding the idea of ‘a city for all’. A specialist in gender and geography, he addresses this question in particular in his book La ville faite par...